Healed Of Asthma

Healed from asthma

Dear editor, some diseases are known to be incurable but this is my story of how God healed me of Asthma.

Some one asked me; “how did you come to get asthma?”  “Honestly I don’t know. I was born with it.” That’s how I replied. Actually my entire child hood was filled with episodes of asthma attacks to the extent that I had a private doctor, Fabiano who was responsible to monitor my health.  The most severe cases occurred in primary school. I was too vulnerable a child. Much as I had passion for sports I could not involve my self there. Dust, smoke and cold environments were really a threat to me. I could not do without a cardigan or a scuff. I knew this was an n incurable disease and was meant to live with it.

My healing came up not on a specific date I remember but a period. It was in 2002 that I started seeing the reverse of situations. Dusty conditions affected me no more, I had no problems with smoke, over time I didn’t need the company of sweaters/cardigans or scuffs, it was simply a reverse of my past life.

Many times healing happens instantly but some times its gradual. Amidst all situations, I always desired healing. I always prayed for it. It never came over night but over a period of time. Many times people cry out over to God for healing and feel nothing, but remember, He is God, He watches over his word to fulfill it. When you ask him and you don’t seem receive instantly, at least he will do it gradually. For me he did it, and I believe he can still do it for some one else if they only choose to believe in him.   So, to some one out there especially those struggling with illnesses, my message is, “try Jesus, he never disappoints those who put their trust in him.” His word affirms it that by his stripes we were healed and that there is no sickness above the name of Jesus. (Philippians 2:9)

Yours truly, Tendo M


Tendo is a faithful member of ST. Francis chapel, Makerere University and he has often been much involved in the ministry of making Christ known.

2 thoughts on “Healed Of Asthma

  1. God is Great indeed. It sounds incredible but true. Give praise to ever loving and caring God. I need your prayers, people of God, iam a slave of masturbation since 2007, single and searching.

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